Tuesday, July 9, 2019

100 "Halo" miniatures

Just received an order I had placed for 100 miniature figures for $14.21 from AliExpress. The description did not say "Halo" but the likeness to many of the units in those games is strong. (Mega Bloks is written on the bottom but I don't know what set they might be from)

The figures vary in height from 15mm to 21mm.

Here they are beside a Hot Wheels Warthog.

Here is a comparison to a 1/72 scale HMVEE which I also got from AliExpress. (Yes, the TOW launcher looks wrong and appears to be pointed backwards. I am going to use it as an experimental heavy laser in any games I run with it.

Finally, here are the driver and gunner held in place with a little Museum Gel.